Google Ads
Growing your Business With Google Ads
Our Packages
Includes 1 Google Search Campaign with up to 2 ad groups (service categories) and 3 text ads per adgroup for a total of 6 ads.
Keyword Research based on products / services.
Extensions including business phone, up to 3 sitelinks extensions (specific web pages).
Targeting your city/town.
Website Link Required.
Monthly Report.
Includes 1 Google Search Campaign with up to 4 ad groups (service categories) and 3 text ads per adgroup for a total of 12 ads.
Keyword Research based on products / services.
Extensions including business phone, up to 5 sitelinks extensions (specific web pages), and 5 callout extensions.
Targeting your city/town.
Website Link Required.
Monthly Report.
What are Google Ads?

If you’re looking for answers or for a specific product/service to help solve a problem, many people turn to Google for those solutions. That solution could be your business! With Google Search ads, we are able to bid on specific keywords and phrases related to your business and help you appear on the first page for search results. For example, if you are a local plumber, you’ll want to appear for search results like “plumber near me”, “plumbing services”, “24-hour plumber”, or “best plumbers in Edmonton”. Google Ads helps bridge the gap between consumers and businesses so that your business is able to appear online in front of potential customers who are actively searching for the services you provide.
If this something you think could benefit your business, we want to hear from you!
Scope Of Services
Along with in-depth insights, our team uses the most up-to-date industry tools that help us learn more about the interests, behaviour, and demographics of your customers. In addition, your website is given a thorough analysis so that we can identify what is already working to your advantage, and what can be updated to increase your reach and conversion rate. We also utilize keywords that will work alongside strategies to form the perfect digital strategy!
The key to great digital marketing is a solid strategy. Our team will help you get your customer acquisition strategy off the ground using the various insights we acquired during the research phase so that moving forward, we have a plan of action for your business. We’ll ensure that you have an ad strategy that includes PPC (pay-per-click)/SEM (search engine marketing), and we will go over the ideal campaigns that will reach your target audience to meet your digital marketing goals.
KPI’S – Key Performance Indicators
KPI’s are used to determine how effective the strategies we’ve put in place are working for your business. Overall, we want to increase your web traffic, and the key performance indicators will help us see if an increase has taken place with the digital strategy measures we’ve put in place. We strive to optimize your online presence so that an increase in sales/leads occurs. A hard conversion example would be a contact form completion (someone fills out the contact form on your website). This would help us determine who is not only coming to your website but interacting with it/following through as well. If your goal is to increase the awareness of your brand in general, we can help you achieve that too!

Campaign Setup and Execution
Search Ads
Ad Groups
The campaign we set up will be sectioned into specific ad groups. These groups work like categories to help us optimize various products or services that the campaign is targeting. To narrow down which terms your targeted customers are searching for, we use intuitive keyword tools.
Text Ad Development
The next step is to utilize the chosen keywords to create search ads for your business that are interesting and creative. We use carefully worded ad copy that will draw in your customer and persuade them to learn more about your business. Our copywriters are trained in crafting concise, attention-grabbing copy that showcases your products or services in the best light. Specific ad extensions such as sitelinks and call-to-action statements are used to increase engagement and interest further. For example, your business phone number or letting customers know you provide free quotes.

To maximize the performance of your text ads, Google Ads selects which extensions to show in response to each individual search on Google.
Extensions add more content to your ads, giving them greater visibility and prominence in search results.
Call Extensions let you add phone numbers to your ads, which can significantly increase clickthrough rates. We offer call extensions on all of our Google Ad packages.
Sitelink Extensions Link people directly to specific pages of your website (like “hours” and “order now”). Sitelink extensions appear in ads at the top and bottom of Google search results.
Callout Extensions let you include additional text so you can show more detailed information about your business, products, and services. Example callout extensions are: Free Shipping, 24/7 Support, Free Quotes
Campaign Management
Campaign management is no walk in the park, and we know most business owners don’t have time to manage their campaigns. That’s why we have a dedicated team of experts at SOS Communications who take time to oversee and run your campaigns regularly. Some of the management tasks include testing out new ads and keywords, removing ads or keywords that aren’t working well, adding negative keywords, and monitoring your landing page(s) to make any necessary improvements.
Each month we will provide you with reports that outline all the metrics and results of your current campaigns. This is when you’ll get to see what’s working for your business, and get valuable insights into your digital strategy. You’ll also be able to view a summary that includes insights from the previous month. We will break it down so that you can see which ads, keywords, and ad groups have been working well, and what we will do going forward to increase your progress and get more conversions overall.